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Mathematical and numeracy skills are an essential part of learning as they provide all pupils with ways to explore, investigate and understand the world around them. Maths supports the development of problem solving and decision-making skills which are integrated through the whole curriculum. Mathematics includes counting, sorting, matching, seeking patterns, making connections, recognising relationships and working with numbers, shapes, space and measures. Maths and numeracy form an integral part of our everyday curriculum at Knowsley Central School.  We always aim to provide opportunities that allow our pupils to practice and embed their skills in a variety of practical and functional context and situations .At Knowsley Central School, early mathematics is developed through stories, songs, games, sensory and imaginative play so that children enjoy using and experimenting with numbers and other mathematical concepts.    Some children struggle with certain aspects of mathematical language and concepts, we use a universal approach when teaching specific maths related language through visual supports and modified verbal methods when asking questions, giving directions, presenting concepts, and offering explanations.  We also use a multi-sensory approach to support and engage all types of learners. At the earliest level there is an emphasis on the experience and emerging awareness of touch, communication, vision, movement and sensory exploration.  As skills develop there is a focus on developing pupil’s skills in the number system, calculations, measures, shape and space whilst seeking to use and apply them in a wide range of contexts. Children further develop their skills in number, shape, space, measures and handling data with added emphasis on the number system, place value, addition and subtraction (both written and mental methods), multiplication and division (including times tables and written methods), fractions, algebra and using and applying skills. Children are encouraged to be independent in solving problems and are also encouraged to use their mathematical knowledge in real life situations to help improve their independent and life skills.

Maths Eyes
‘Maths Eyes’ is an established program used in schools.  The program is designed to promote maths in the following ways:
  • Having maths eyes promotes the usefulness of mathematics – Everyone has maths eyes they just need to be opened.
  • Having maths eyes builds confidence in mathematics.
  • Having maths eyes encourages the use of the real world as a starting point for the relevant exploration in the maths world.
  • Having maths eyes provides excellent opportunities for linking education and community.
  • Having maths eyes provides a platform for adults and children to share their maths eyes in their everyday life whether they are shopping, walking, driving, at sports events – everywhere.  Open a channel for dialogue about real world mathematics.
  • Maths Eyes provides parents with opportunities to talk about mathematics that are not related to homework
  • Having maths eyes promotes active citizenship and informed decision making.
 When teachers, and tutors have maths eyes they can identify real world starting points for mathematics teaching and learning that are relevant to the social, cultural and educational context of their learners. The program is a really simple yet effective strategy for promoting maths in an everyday way for pupils.  It encourages pupils to look everywhere for elements of maths.  It involves pictures of everyday things that children see in their school or home environment and encourages maths questions related to them.  The program encourages children to recognise that maths is part of their everyday life and to begin to generalise mathematical concepts.