Maths; Shapes 

Maths; Shapes 

Class Willow are loving learning about shapes and recreating images using shapes, we have changed our pictures to Christmas themed images and they are going down a treat. Some of our children have done this activity independently and have done really, really well. We...
Maths; Shapes 

Preparing for Christmas 

Class Willow are really excited and are thoroughly enjoying preparing for Christmas we have made decorations to be hung on the big Christmas tree displayed in the hall. We each painted and added glitter to our decorations after they were cooked and cooled down. The...
Maths; Shapes 

Exploring outdoors 

Class Willow fancied a change of scenery and we decided we would go and have an explore of the other outside areas around school. We went to the younger playground and had a great time climbing through the tunnel, running over the grassed hill and having a go at the...
Maths; Shapes 

Whats in the bucket?

Class Willow thoroughly enjoy our bucket sessions, we have this activity once a day after lunch and today we did some bubble volcanoes. We had to blow through a straw to make the bubbles go bigger and bigger they smelt lovely too as they were all different...
Class Willow Messy play Friday 

Class Willow Messy play Friday 

Well our messy play today consisted of purple, orange and green paint, water beads and wet autumn leaves. The different textures made us comment and verbalise a lot more this week and we had some interesting  vocabulary and sounds such as ‘eee’...