Maths Interventions

Maths Interventions

Plus 1

Plus 1 is used in school for children who we feel would benefit from repeated maths practice. It’s designed to appeal to all age ranges using clear language and repetition. It follows a structured format, with clear explanations.

Plus 1 covers basic number work, such as counting forwards and backwards with numbers up to 10, adding and subtracting numbers up to 10, and introducing doubling and halving.

When working on Plus 1 the children have to answer each question correctly three times on three different days, they are encouraged to work without using pencils and paper to try and develop their mental maths ability.

We aim for the children to complete Plus 1 4 or 5 times a week, with each session lasting approximately 10 to 15 minutes.

Power of 2

Power of 2 is used to continue to develop the number skills of pupils we feel would benefit from repeated maths practice. Again it is designed to appeal to all age ranges, using clear language and repetition of skills.

Power of 2 begins with teaching number bonds to 10, and then moves on to introducing doubling, halving, addition and subtraction, rounding numbers, multiplying and dividing. It then introduces fractions and looks at worded problems and time. It covers all the aspects of mental maths needed for the Mathematics Curriculum.

As when completing Plus 1 the children have to answer each question correctly three times on three different days, they are encouraged to work without using pencils and paper to try and develop their mental maths ability.

We aim for the children to complete Plus 1 4 or 5 times a week, with each session lasting 10 – 15 minutes.